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Looking after ourselves

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

Q is for quiet moments...

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

R is for Rest.

I really appreciate when I can switch off and rest and not have to think about anything else

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

S is for can give us such strength..a little downtime to quiten our mibds, leave our worries at the door and just be...

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

T is for Time. I am much more aware of how I use it and am grateful to have time to spend with the people I love (ie. Grandchildren!). I was aware of how precious Time was when my mother was dying - we only have today! My Al-Anon program teaches me that! Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery!



Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

ahhh, nice one Lucky 🙂



U is for "Understanding"


understanding myself and how my mind step at a time 😉

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

Ohhh look what I found @lucky, @Baboo, @Alessandra1992, @NikNik, @cheersquad, @coffeegirl, @tulip, @Purplewife

Last one was U done by @Baboo xx

So It is V for Vision Smiley LOL

Lets keep it going and start again

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

W is for weekend. Nothing like time and space from work to give me some clarity. Great find @Shaz51

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

Hey hello @cheersquad, my friend xx

How are you HeartHeart

X is for Xray

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

 Y is for YOU

it is good to have another person to care about.

Re: Gratitude List using the alphabet

I agree @Appleblossom HeartHeart


Z is for Zeal


let`s start again at A

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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