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Re: Support for Juliet2

Hi @Juliet2,


The forums are a safe and judgment free zone. Respond in whichever way you feel most comfortable.

You're right, no-one will ever truely know what it was like for you. However this community is full of people with lived experience. Connections are made through having others who know what it's like.

There's no shame in crying if that is what you need. I feel in these times it's good to take notice of what you need and to make sure you're prioritising yourself.

Are you currently practicing any self care?

I do know how it is to feel alone and that you're too complex to help. But from experience you need to keep trying to build a solid care team. The right people are out there. 🌻


Re: Support for Juliet2

Hey there @Juliet2 ,


How are you travelling? I was passing through and wanted to check in with you.

Re: Support for Juliet2

I'm not finding the forum beneficial tbh,  I don't want to talk with people I don't know, it took me years to trust and open up and share my story with people I know. 

Everyday I have to go through memories of what happened that's hard enough, I keep having to repeat myself over and over I don't want to keep talking  and nothing happen. Everytime I do talk everyone says it's too much for them I wish I had that luxury to shut it off. None of my friends or family talk to me and I'm not going to ask for help, the last time I did was a month ago and I never got it even though  they said they would and that was my own family.

I'm struggling and all I need atm is practical supports, space time someone to do some cooking and clean. Everything hurts I just want to sleep and I need someone to take care of me 


It all just seems fake


Re: Support for Juliet2

I've done everything on my own up until now and no one cared when I was in ICU, no one cared when I called 000 I just want to make a difference my whole life has been about looking out for everybody else and tge koment i actually do say I need help no ones around. My partner is the only one that cares and helps me and looks out for me. He's the only one that's made me feel loved,he didn't know me before and still chose me, he's learnt all my triggers, how to support me he's done more than any trained therapist, any of my family, any of my friend's.


I need time away from my daughter because I can't keep doing everything for her on my own I'm exhausted 

Re: Support for Juliet2

Hi @Juliet2 ,


Thank you for your honesty.


It's totally okay that you don't find the forums too helpful. Support looks different for everyone. The main thing is that you gave it a go. 


And yes, you are right, it's so hard to reach out to people who you don't know. Trust is a huge thing for many people including myself.


I hope you find the support you are looking for. 


Please take care.

Re: Support for Juliet2

@tyme  Thank you for tagging Tyme. Im really sorry i missed lot in the forum because i was out of country. 

Hi @Juliet2 . How are you doing. Sorry i was late to welcome you. Any way welcome to the wonderful place with lovely people here.

Re: Support for Juliet2

Hope you are well @Tilz  🙂


Great to see you here!

Re: Support for Juliet2

@tyme  yeah back to work after a leave. Doing good. How are you?

Re: Support for Juliet2

Nice @Tilz  🙂


I'm on the Peer Group Chat at the moment. Feel free to join us.


Peer Group Chat // Grappling Grief // Thursday 2nd May 2024, 7-8:30PM AEST 

Re: Support for Juliet2

Hello @Juliet2  how are you going our friend 


@tyme , @Tilz , @Tranquil_Atoms