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Carer's Allowance Questions for peers

Hello Carers,

These questions come from my Mrs as she is my nominated primary carer and is applying for the carer's allowance (NOT the carer's payment). 

Do you have to have the assessment signed off by a specialist or would a GP suffice? I am asking because I don't see my specialist for another 3 months and Centrelink have only given us 2 weeks to complete our paperwork before being rejected and having to reapply.

Can you be on DSP yourself and successfully receive the carer's allowance? My Mrs has chronic pain issues and borderline personallity disorder and depression, but cares for me full time as a person living with severe depression and schizoaffective disorder (combo of bipolar and schizophrenia).

Thanks in advance for your help!


Re: Carer's Allowance Questions for peers

Hello @Queenie

How are you and your parnter going with the process for the carers allowence?

Unfortunately I'm unsure of the answer to your question but wondered if you could either call Centrelink or visit your local branch to ask? I know Centrelink is very time consuming and can be a challenge but I also know the importance of the paperwork being correct, first time means it will be happening as soon as is possible. 

Let us know how you are tracking with it all, will be good to know the answer for any future questiosn around this too.

Thanks @Queenie 🙂

Re: Carer's Allowance Questions for peers

Hi @Former-Member, we haven't gotten anywhere with Centrelink because they just keep on passing the buck. One form says to be completed by medical professional and when we spoke to Centrelink they asked us to have the form filled out by the doctor who made the diagnosis (which is impossible because they have long since retired and were the doctor in the public psych ward in 2006). 

Nobody seems to be able to answer either whether my partner can be a DSP recipient and recieve carer's allowance (which is different from carer's payment). The allowance is only about $115 per fortnight and is to help out with costs associated with caring with me (going to appointments, carer's counselling, respite, treatments etc). It would really come in handy as respite options for me cost $20 per day plus activities and for her $170 per day including activities. 

I was hoping someone on the carer forum would know the answer to my questions seeing as Centrelink is less than forthcoming with answers.

Re: Carer's Allowance Questions for peers

Just went to Centrelink for the SECOND time only to be told they are now paperless and to have someone help us with our application can take up to 6 weeks and we will not be backpaid as our application by then will have fallen through. It's hopeless!!!!!

Re: Carer's Allowance Questions for peers

Hi @Queenie, I applied for Carer's Allowance as carer of my son mid-20's diagnosed with Sz and psychosis. Application was rejected because he didn't meet the "required level". He was very unwell at the time but, when you read the questions, you can see many are focused on physical disabilities. I got the impression that the disability would have to be really severe to qualify. 

Also, if you can't get to the psychiatrist, GP is still an option provided they have enough information to cover all the questions. The GP would have to be very familiar with the patient and psych reports. It's worth a try but don't get hopes up too high. 


Re: Carer's Allowance Questions for peers

Thanks @patientpatient for your reply. Reading through the application, you are quite right, it focuses mostly on physical limitations rather than mental health. It seems like we might fall through the cracks yet again. The state carer's organisation state that we are eligible for it, but we are not holding our breath. It would sure help my carer cover the cost of respite though.

Re: Carer's Allowance Questions for peers

Hi @Queenie, yes it would help with costs. According to the latest census results, "2.1 million Australians are unpaid carers for relatives or friends". Hope your Carer's Allowance application is successful.