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Re: Coming out

That sounds like a great idea. I want my breasts to grow naturally and train my voice to sound more feminine. I need to make a doctors appointment asap so I can be happy and live life as a female and identify as one.(She, Her, Hers) I knew I was in the wrong body along time ago. I can't lie to myself anymore with who I am. I don't get butterflies when I see women anymore, but I do when I see men.

Re: Coming out

It's really important to be true to yourself and identify how you choose otherwise your mental health can be affected. It could affect your life outcomes if you are not presenting as who you really are on the inside. Great if you could go see a doctor and start your transition if that is what you want to do. I really encourage you to be your authentic self @Samantha82! RiverSeal 

Re: Coming out

It definitely is important. I'm really wanting this so much. Being a girl will mean everything to me. I'm hate looking, walking and sounding masculine. Being fem is me and how I feel. I get jealous of women when I see them wearing their nice outfits and waking and taking feminine, wishing that was me.

Re: Coming out

I just wish I had of done it sooner 

Re: Coming out

Accepting where we are with our gender identity with our age and life is part of the transition process. Everyone wishes they did it earlier so they could live their lives as their authentic selves and the HRT having had the most effect. Though we would not be the same person we are today and for some people whether is circumstances, upbringing or having insight it just takes time @Samantha82. I'm one of the ones who took their time! RiverSeal 

Re: Coming out

Thats very true. Better late than never. I just publicly updated how I identify myself on Facebook. Gender Female. Pronouns She, Her

Re: Coming out

Amazing and what a great conversation we have had about gender today!! I'm so pleased you have taken those steps to affirm your gender @Samantha82 ❤️ 🏳️‍⚧️ RiverSeal 

Re: Coming out

It is so amazing girl

Re: Coming out

So pleased for you, @Samantha82 ! Sending you heaps of good wishes for your transition... 

Re: Coming out

Hi @Samantha82 


For some people (approx. 2-3 percent of the population), the gender they were assigned at birth is different from their innermost conceptions of self. The 'discomfort' caused by this misalignment is significant, and can include the feelings that you described in your post.


In addition to this consideration, you might be unaware that gender exists on a spectrum. For example, some men whose gender aligns with that assigned to them at birth (or cisgender men), are entirely comfortable in their own skin, which may include dressing or acting in a way that has previously been considered feminine. These cisgender men have no desire to transition, and are part of human diversity. 


For transgender people (including non-binary folk), the need to socially, legally, and is some cases, medically transition, is often necessary for them to live authentic and fulfilling lives. In these cases, the decision to 'stop running from oneself' is best taken after a period of thoughtful contemplation and reflection. Over this time, factors including their mental and physical health, available support networks, and the process and realities of transition, are discussed. 


Lastly, I encourage anyone who is questioning their gender to seek the support of organisations that specialise in gender diversity. For you, a starting point might be to contact one / both of the following organisations, who I know will provide you with the non-judgmental care and support that will help you to navigate your gender identity.     


Services & Support for the Transgender & Gender Diverse Community | The Gender Centre INC


Maple Leaf House - Transgender and Gender Diversity | HNE Kids (