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Re: Good Morning!

@ENKELI that workplace did not and never will be deserving of your muffins.

I think that dude that wears a crown 👑 will hand this down in edict and proclamation.

Are you sure you’re not from NSW? Because you have the right sense of humour.
Your posts are like chatting with my cousin. Awesome.

Good nighty nite


Re: Good Morning!

Nightly night Niall.


@Glisten @ENKELI @TAB @SmilingGecko 




Yes please to muffins. I’ll bring chocolate and a few tine of hot chocolate for us all because I have. Tendency to get through them without the wittiness of @Glisten 


Fanx @TAB 


@tyme  I’m getting a HUGE amount of enjoyment going through the messages of my messages from ‘before.’ You are all acarlily going to get copies of old messages soon. Gee has Sane moved on………


Re: Good Morning!

@Glisten it's time to confess. I'm not West Australian. I was born in Camden, NSW.


I hope you slept well and that Sunday blesses you.

I was thinking of attending the church ex friend attends just to put the wind up her....

Re: Good Morning!

Haha @ENKELI see. I knew it! I was born in Sydn-ny.

Eyes are closinggggg can’t stop them.

Awesome do the church thing.


Re: Good Morning!

'druther watch you spit cake .. @Glisten  lolol .. @PeppyPatti  or is eating and talking  too hard ?

Re: Good Morning!

There's no joy at all when it comes to narcissists


They just twists things around to suit themselves but hey why not !! 


Sweetheart 💖

Re: Good Morning!

ha ha sorry @Glisten about the cuppas 

I am the same way , see a cuppa , I want one 😁

Re: Good Morning!

I repeat things I dwell on them so please remember this before reading. 


Thank you. 


I cannot believe how @Glisten @ENKELI @SmilingGecko @TAB 

Supported me @Shaz51 


You guys - I was in a mess last two days. It's true I want to be

( in my eyes ) 


Man stronger like @Tab. 

But whenever I see a situation similar to how my mother brought me up I sit there getting upset over the children who are in the relationship.memories of me, memories of my ....brothers. 


I'm not quite 'over.' my personal life circumstances, things I could not control.  


I know  a lady who was slandering my partner and I realised that her children ......omg. 


And @Glisten @TAB @ENKELI  sat with me.


@Shaz51  blooming heck ...   


I think of @TAB 

I think of @Glisten 

I think of @ENKELI 

I think of @SmilingGecko 


Sorry if I haven't said your name if you also supported me. 


Question - does it get easier ?

Do you feel bitter ?

Do you feel more vulnerable ?

@ENKELI how do you do your day ? Can you go to church and have a giggle or if you get that manipulation dosed out on you, do you get shakey again ?? 


How do we move forward ? 

@Glisten how do you feel rethinking that amazing offer on the home ? Are these people offering with an agenda ?? 

Re: Good Morning!

.. yes the 'A' frame house is really made of Ginger Bread @PeppyPatti  and Hansel and Gretel are gonna do a 'reverse' on granny .. lolo ..  @Glisten 😺✖️

Re: Good Morning!

@PeppyPatti I realised after I posted about going to church how petty and mean I am to think of doing such a thing. Sometimes I open my mouth to change feet. Church should be about God and fellowship, not making someone else miserable. 

Does it get easier? Looking back at occasions in my past where I felt paralysed with pain and thought it would never stop hurting, it does get better.

This latest situation is different though, I pretty much gave up everything, my house, my finances, my friends and family for a person who I didn't realise at the time was doing what controlling partners do - isolating me from everyone but her and her kids. I couldn't go see family or friends without her sending a dozen texts.

Fast forward nearly 10 years later and I come back to my house needing thousands of dollars worth of maintenance because the person living in it did nothing and told me nothing when something got damaged or needed repair. I have lost most of my friends and am no longer close to my family and I no longer have a best friend or God children. It's been just over a year since she cut me out of her life and as you can tell by my petty comment about going to her church I am still struggling. Will I ever recover? I believe so. Will it take longer than any other time I was screwed over and treated cruelly? Yes.

There will be days that cripple me with pain, there will be days when I don't think about her.

Just know that you are in control and you can choose to heal or stay in pain. By the same token, don't buy in to the "it's been xxx amount of time you should be over it by now" chain of thought either. 

If you have to talk about it, do so. No matter how many times you may repeat yourself. 

Be kind to yourself. 

And give yourself a pat on the back. You got this far, you can do it

❤️ 🫂 🤗