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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

G'day mate @Jacques sorry for the late reply ,I was knocked out on the couch ,I bet the Rolla is looking good 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

hey @Jacques
I just wrote this

The theme is "to live"

I think I captured what I wanted. Needs a tiny bit more work, but I'm happy with it. Will share it elsewhere too


To never want a drop of fame
To keep my ambition gentle and tame
To still keep fuelling that good flame
To greet an adversity as an old dame

To see courage and bravery within a fear
To gently cry a lonely tear
To get burned from an unknown sear
To still get up and say “I am here!”

To fly underwater and swim through the air
To not really give much of a care
To say to those who question: “I simply don’t care”
To turn up and say how very dare!

To love through hate and yet hate due to love
To be as soft as a silk-skinned dove
To look to the heavens up above
To now tell fear and loathing to simply “shove!”

To know and feel that I am free
To look back on all thats happened and see
To watch it now unfold now with nought but glee
To at my deepest core say “yes, this is me”

To soar like meteors and be gay
To say carpe diem and sieze the day
To stroll through life as I may
To laugh at adversity saying “Come what may”

To feel anothers pain in my core
To see the sun rise and simply adore
To see it set and weep for more
To never want to close a door

To hold a universe in my hand
To rise against adversity and stand
To stick to my guns, those forts that I’ve manned
To know those things which must be canned

To see within me a great deep hope
To become my own very holy pope
To tune in to my own unique trope
To scrawl across a window “it’s okay to mope”

To be as free as free can will and do
To beauty which i can’t but coo
To that which arises bold and new
To never shudder when what’s said is boo!

To this,
This thing called life.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

wow @MDT you really wrote that, im so so impressed, would it be ok if i print it out and keep it on my desk? i love it so so much. 


you are such a talented poet im not very good with writing, or being creative, im very good at following instructions and such things.  


thank you so so much for sharing friend. im so so impressed.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

go for it @Jacques

That'd be quite something hey?

Good onya mate

btw the last line is changed "To know the answer when I'm asked "who are you?"

So replace that last line that originally said "something something something boo".

I didn't like it.

Thanks again dude. Take care

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Sophia1  @Bill16 , @Jacques , @MDT , @TAB , @Clawde , @pinklollipop15 , @creative_writer , @SmilingGecko , @Anastasia , @Former-Member , @tyme , @Appleblossom , @Smc , @ClockFace , @hanami , @FloatingFeather , @Amy101 



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello Mrs @Shaz51 hope you have had a good day,thanks for tag

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

How are you today @Bill16 , hope today was ok 

today was busy for us 

 doing anything for the weekend 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Evening feasters
Good to see you here

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Gillie1 , @Owlunar , @Exoplanet , @Emelia8 , @Boo13 , @Tinker67 , @ArraDreaming , @Captain24 , @jem80 , @frog , @greenpea , @StuF , @Dimity , @Sophie1 

made these last nightmade these last night