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Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

hi @Former-Member,


yes yes, she is still in hospital and having good days and bad she is SH a lot and im just supporting her as best i can. i am ok, im not sleeping and i am getting bad panic attacks. but i am coping, with everyones wonderful support 🙂 

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

@Jacques, thinking of you lots my friend and your partnerHeartHeart

hope you are ok , take care and try to get some sleep inbetween , I know it is hard to do , I could not sleep when mr shaz was in hospital , all i could do was rest in the redcross rooms where iwas staying

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Encouraging you gently with your diet too, at times of high stress, healthy eating along with adequate rest can make a heap of difference. As with all things carer, easier said than done...

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi @Shaz51 @Former-Member 

i am trying im, really exhausted, but everytime i try to sleep i have a panic attack, so i am just taking baby steps.


thank you @Former-Member yes, i am guilty of "comfort" eating, and i have been doing a lot of that lately. but i am trying to keep the snaks healthyish 🙂 is their is such a thing 🙂

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

sitting with you my friend @Jacques Heart

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Thank you @Shaz51, I think things will be ok, just a small setback, I just hope I can keep her safe for the year, I don't want to lose her. It worries me one day she will do something silly because I can't respond quick enough. Maybe me just worrying to much. I hope Mr Shaz is going OK, please say hi to him for me. Hugs to you too, I hope things are better for you

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis


Can I ever so gently remind you that we sometimes put unnecessary pressure on ourselves. No matter how much we love, no matter how much we protect, no matter how quickly, or if indeed even if we do respond in good time there are things we cannot stop.

Diverting my worry to learn what I could do to respond appropriately, to eliminate expressed emotion as much as possible and to put boundaries in place to

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

... learn healthy and appropriate ways to respond to our lived ones illness was what I have had to do to be able to cope.

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Have you been able to get adequate rest?

Re: Supporting a partner in a crisis

Hi @Former-Member, yes you are right, I feel a lot of pressure to keep her safe, but it is because I love her so much, I don't want to lose her so soon after we met.

We have spoken when we first started our relationship and promised each other if one of us are in a MH crisis we would seek outside help, which is what I am doing, I'm seeking help from lifeline and here. She is so worried about my well being.

I am really struggling with sleep, partly worrying about my partner and worried about things in my own life. It is hard, but love means so much to me, I love her with all my heart