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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That sounds like a real nice ride @BlueBells me and @Jacques get right into our cars

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

G'day mate @Jacques what's cracking today?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Bill16 and @Jacques 


I don’t know a whole lot about cars but my dream car is a purple ute. They are hard to find these days though. You would have to get one second hand and restore it I reckon.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

G'day @Oaktree purple ute sounds good,what sort ya reckon 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Well a Holden probably @Bill16 



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

A rigger I worked with once was female and had a pinky purple v8 commodore ute VE at least. Was pretty cool @Oaktree @Bill16 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sounds very flash @TAB 

I would get custom paint, a purple with glitter flecks in it. I don’t want a huge engine because I am heavy on the accelerator and I don’t want to lose my license. 


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sounds good @Oaktree  sorry not feeling creative atm had run in w sibling couple hrs ago.

..just punch it Meggle re V8 lol..

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks for that video @TAB 

I really enjoyed watching Peter Brock again. He was such a legend!

Get me in a Holden…



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