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Re: Everything music

better off without them @PeppyPatti 

Re: Everything music

@PeppyPatti They have both had privilege lives and come up with an idea but don’t think it through all the way.

Common sense isn’t that common.

Very well educated people that come out with dumbass opinions.

I refuse to debate defend or explain myself to anyone. It’s a total waste of time and energy.

I would sooner sleep in my car than be near toxic people.


Re: Everything music

They are privliged.


Hank you. I just reread my last bad spelling message nd instead of thankyou I wrote Hank you.


Thorry Hank you 

Re: Everything music

BAHAHA 🤣 to funny @PeppyPatti 

It’s ok. I have dyslexia. So I can read upside down and back to front LOL.


Re: Everything music

hey @PeppyPatti, hello budgies.


I love budgies, they are the best birds 🐦

Re: Everything music

You theem pretty withie an cleavor to mee



img (13).jpg



Re: Everything music

@Glisten I go to a very small shopping centre a couple of suburbs over rather than go to the big shopping centre that is 5 minutes away. As I've aged I've become less tolerant of noisy places. 


I went to work one day and around lunchtime realised I had my jeggings on backwards...and I don't have dyslexia/adhd as a valid excuse!


I certainly hope you have a better nights' sleep tonight. 

You're reconsidering the A-Frame? Do you have another option available? Moving from Jlup to Bully is huge and I would have second thoughts too. Hopefully you find the right place at the right price. Sometimes free isn't really free x

Re: Everything music

@ENKELI it’s only embarrassing if your jeggings are on inside out 😂

I was in a hurry put on jeans from the day before walked down the street. Knickers fell out of the leg of my jeans 👖 🤣 Yes I did pick them up and put them in my pocket.

You are so very wise. Sometimes free is not free.

I’m going to talk to Chaplin Chris at the Shed on Monday.


Re: Everything music

@Glisten ha ha, that's funny. And I would have popped the knickers in my pocket too! Good undies aren't cheap. (Except when you're a size 20 the knickers need 2 pockets 🤣🤣)


I hope we both get a decent nights' sleep tonight x

Re: Everything music

@ENKELI BAHAHA and on that bombshell we wish you Good night.

I think channelled Jeremy Clarkson Top Gear 2010.
