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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

I am done

I am done with everything I am done with trying to beat something that cant be beat and I am done pretending that recovery is possible. maybe for some people it is but not for me my only safe place at the moment is related to not eating so obviously if i stop doing that then i can only last so long. I am just done trying nobody cares anyway so what is the point i am not sticking around for me i am not worth that much effort so why should i stay. not likely that anyone will even read this let alone reply but i needed to get my feelings out at the very least. i am just done fighting. everything is hopeless.   

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Re: I am done

Hello @Eden1919

I am really sorry you are feeling this way, it seems like everything feels too tough to cope with and quite overwhelming, it is good you are reaching out here for some more support, even if it is just talking. It doesn't seem like it helps but it does. Is there something that you can do to help you feel less overwhelmed, have you had breakfast? Or keep talking here if that is helping.

I have also sent you an email okay 🙂

Re: I am done

nothing helps that is the problem people keep saying i can get through this but they are lying. everything just keeps getting worse little by little and i cant take it anymore. i dont even see the point why keep going just so that i can fight through another day. i am cursed anyway. the only place left that i feel i can exsist is in the thoughts that stop me eating but nothing else feels safe nothing else feels ok i was trying so hard but i just dont see why i am a constant dissapointment to everyone around me and ugh it is hard to explain i just dont see what the point is. 

Re: I am done

also @Former-Member i replied to the email. 

Re: I am done

I cant do this anymore

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Re: I am done

Thank you for responding to the email @Eden1919. I have sent you a reply Smiley Very Happy

Re: I am done

I just cant right now honestly if it werent for my pets i would not still be here right now. but even still i dont know how much longer that will last literally nobody would care if i was gone. 

Re: I am done

I know exactly how you feel.  I'm 57, have CLL, trapped in a marriage (thank god!), no job, no support from family, no money, etc.  It's so hard to get by each day and I feel like I'm in a hole that is getting smaller and smaller.  I have four cats and that's what keeps me going (sounds a bit nutty, I know, but I will not leave them to my husband who is very irresponsible.).  It's a long story that spans from 1994.  I don't know what to tell you except maybe something will happen tomorrow?  That's what keeps me going.  I just feel like my life is over...

Re: I am done

I am sorry you are not in a good situation at the moment @sway.

i just cant do this anymore. 

Re: I am done

I guess i was right nobody does care well except maybe one person. 

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