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Re: My Mosaic

Fresh fruit like that sounds amazing @Snowie  and pizza for dinner is great, I’m sure S and his friends will be happy with that. 

tomorrow I’m meeting my SW to go get my bloods done, then we will have a cuppa. Then I’ll probably have an hour to fill in and then my arts and craft group is on. 
They were given a huge box of scrapbooking cardboard. I found a blank calendar card a few weeks back and started making a flip calendar. Another girl seen it last week and liked what I was making so everyone is doing it tomorrow. 

Re: My Mosaic

We go fruit picking too @Bow Cherries, strawberries, grapes, apples, peaches, lots of different types of fruit to pick.


It's good that your SW can go with you hon. Hopefully having that extra support there makes it a little easier for you.

It doesn't surprise me that they are taking one of your art works and making it in your art and crafts group. You have such good ideas and are so good at making pieces. I hope you get credit for how much you put into this group. It's almost like you run it yourself. 


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Fruit picking sounds yummy @Snowie  there is a place local to use that does strawberry picking, have been meaning to take D. 

I often end up helping with arts and craft. I make suggestions of what we could do, sometimes lead the group. It needs to be pretty simple crafts. 

I’ve just crawled into bed hon, I’m fairly tired tonight, so hoping to get off to sleep quickly. Thanks for sitting with me 💕

Re: My Mosaic

I hope you are able to get to sleep quickly tonight @Bow I know you were up with D last night so hoping she sleeps through so you can too.


No need to thank me hon. You have been through so much, especially the last few days, that you deserve that support. Will always be here for you 💕💕

Re: My Mosaic

Hi dear @Bow 

I hope your bloods went ok this morning and you got to have a cuppa with your SW.

Also hoping that your art group was good and you got to make something.


I know it's a difficult time for you so sending lots of 💗💗your way.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @Snowie  my bloods went ok, but took a little longer than usual. My SW had to cancel our post blood test cuppa. So I just went back home. 
Arts and craft was on, but they had to shorten the time due to staffing. I’m chatted with my SW during arts and craft and she was gonna send me to the hospital, but managed to talk my way out of that. 
just struggling a lot at the moment. 

Gp in the morning. Then psychologist. Don’t wanna go to either. 

hope your day has been ok?

Re: My Mosaic

Sounds like it was a bit of a mixed day for you @Bow

Your SW wanting to send you to the hospital is concerning hon.

I know it's probably not ideal. There are so many things we need to think about before we can go there, but maybe it might be needed.


I know they are both hard appointments tomorrow, but even speaking to them might help. Remember they are there for you, to help you.

Can you organise something to do either in between or after the appointments. Some sort of self care. Even a reward that you got through both of them.


My day has been ok. Mum a problem. Back to taking prn.


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah told my SW some things that I probably should have kept to myself @Snowie  wont say anything to my gp and psychologist tomorrow that’s for sure. 

I probably have some time to waste in between my appointments tomorrow. Not really worth going back home so will probably just go to the shops for a bit. Or maybe just sit in my car. 

im tired. Again. Still. Although think I forgot my afternoon meds, so maybe that is why.


im sorry your mum is being painful. And that you are back to taking prn again. 

Re: My Mosaic

Maybe those things needed to be out @Bow Sometimes it helps when we can get things out of our heads. At least you know she cares about you, that she wants you to be safe.


Does your SW speak to your gp or psych at all?


Going to the shops is good to pass some time. Even sitting in the car with a cuppa sounds good.


Are you able to get to bed early tonight. Not that I want to get rid of you, but if you're tired then maybe bed might help.



Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I’m heaps grateful for my SW @Snowie  I think she’s amazing. It’s her birthday on the weekend- have a small gift for her for tomorrow. 
She comes with me to my gp appointment and will pass on/tell my gp stuff that she needs to know that I don’t tell her. She doesn’t really communicate with my psychologist, although did come in to one appointment to pass on some stuff that my gp wanted to make sure she knew. I think she’d probably email or call my case manager and pass details on that way. 

yeah I can probably get to bed early.