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Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

@Jynx  Did you see my Father’s Day frames? 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Teehee ty @Bow 😁


I used to always be quite precious about when I ought to burn candles and stuff - especially my really nice candles. Then I saw this meme/screenshot: 




 It's like a lil switch flipped in my brain and now I am always using my 'special occasion' stuff! I mean as long as it's not too expensive to replace anyway 😅


You a candle/incensey type person?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow wrote:

@Jynx  Did you see my Father’s Day frames? 

Ooh nope, should I go back a few pages or do you wanna post em again? 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I use to be like that….. and I guess in some ways I still am…. Save things for special occasions. But I do try and use things now @Jynx 


nah, never been a candle person. I do use essential oils sometimes in a diffuser though. 

oh I don’t know how many pages back they would be, so here they are 




 sold a heap  on Sunday and got another market this Sunday 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Ahaha oh wow those are brilliant @Bow!! Such a great gift too, no wonder they're being snatched up!! 


For me candles have the double bonus of providing a subtle scent, and some cosy flickering light to boot! Since I'm so sensitive to light, it really helps to have something warm and natural in the space without overloading me!


What essential oils do you go for? AKA what scent profile - you into florals? Spices? Citrus? Desserts? I like desserts... I have way too many caramel latte candles 😅 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @Jynx 


I like the florals… anythung sweet smelling I guess. Mum was previously really into essentials oils. Has boxes of them still. She has some good blends that we use that helps for all sorts of things. Sore throat- here put this on your feet. Nausea, put this on your stomach. 

I have finally just managed to crawl into bed 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow haha reminds me of my mum - woman loooves her teatree oil. I mean, it does make for a good antiseptic!! But it'd be like... ouch, I got a cut! "Pop some teatree oil on it!" Ouch, I got bitten by something! "Teatree oil!!" I'm feeling sad? "Tea....tree....OIL!" 🤣


Aww yay, maximum cosiness begins now!! Shall I bid you adieu? 💜

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Haha yea the tea tree oil! @Jynx  Mum brings that out all the time for all sorts of things, especially for my D. 

yeah I’m gonna try and sleep I think. Thanks for your support tonight as always, muchly appreciated. 🩵

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Of course hun, it's my pleasure @Bow - nighty night, rest well 💜

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow your talent always amazes me. I wish I could go to the market you're at and buy one of your creations for my hubby for fathers day. 


I hope today is a little easier for you 💗💗

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