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Re: Living with Loneliness

Oh that sounds lovely @Shaz51 😀🌺💜

I had main earlier today, which was some homemade meatballs, with veggies, and some rice, cooked in a tomato and coconut base 🙂

Re: Living with Loneliness

@Former-Member hey there, thank you so much for support. Thank you for company with tea and biscuit


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Re: Living with Loneliness

No worries @Meowmy 💜🌺🫂🙂

Hope you can feel better soon 🙂💜🫂

Re: Living with Loneliness

@Former-Member hey Pink flamingo, feeling a bit more calm. Got a fruit and some iced water. Just chilling. Have a good evening

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Re: Living with Loneliness

Hey there @Meowmy 🙂🌺

That sounds really nice, I’m glad to hear you’re feeling a bit more settled now 🙂💜

Enjoy that lovely fruit and iced water, and I’ll catch you next time 🙂💜🌺

rest well, and have a nice evening too 🌺☺️

Re: Living with Loneliness

Reads correct - @Meowmy 

Are you writing you need alone time toanage old problems ? 



Re: Living with Loneliness

Thanks @Thy 

j really struggle to open up to anyone and still cry at the the slightest trigger regarding childhood memories! It makes it very difficult to find a safe path to converse with anyone! My health is deteriorating markedly and I’m struggling to stay on my feet! I’m frightened I am dying and don’t know who to turn to! I can’t get out and about as my daughter has borrowed my car but I need to write a new will! It is oh so scary to be almost trapped within a slow and disabled body that won’t do as you want it too! I fell again last night trying to organise things to get to bed! Thought I’d broken my wrist but only soft tissue thank goodness! Everything takes so long when you’re so slow! Nurse navigator coming tomorrow and I have to have a list ready for her so I had better go and do list or I’ll look uncooperative instead of just exhausted! Keep plugging!

My mum’s favourite saying was “everyday above ground is a good one”. As a person who once had a desperate attraction to drown in mud, I don’t know whether I agree with her or not, but when the sun is shining and the birds are singing , it’s nice out there and I can be at peace in the garden that doesn’t care if I’m slow and can’t breath well! There’s pluses to everything I guess- just need to search them out!

thanks again 

Re: Living with Loneliness

I'm not sure who stuck this , "loneliness"  bench in the park,   but I sit and read,    page after page.

@Meowmy    loneliness grips the hand of shame.   Your words .   I could think about that for hours.

@Thyme ..   "people are lonely because they don't have folks around them that understand them.

Perhaps they feel empty ,    because they don't understand themselves".      Thats just  downright profound. . .


Many years ago,  I lived rough on the city streets as an autistic kid with a brain injury.   I'd sit on the park bench back then too,  and share whatever I found in the bins with my only friends,    Pidgeon's..

We'd talk,   and pretend to understand each other. 


There was this one Pidgeon.   A runt..   crook leg,  that always hung back.  I'd have to aim  well to make sure the other birds didn't bully him out of some scraps..   That bird and me . . .  We understood each other...       No one else ever did..


We new that for critters like us,   the world is not fair,   the strong and cunning fatten on the weak. . . .

and now.


People tell me,  I did well for myself,  I have lots of people share my big house, filled with objects and sound.

But as the older man,  in my dreams,    I still sit at the foot of that park bench,  a Pidgeon,    on the fringe of the flock,

and wait for some crumbs to be thrown at me. . .


Nurse said to a doctor,  one day when I was taken into a foster home,   How can he be happy,  with all that's wrong with him.  Like I wasn't even there,  He turned to her and said,   We'll he simply

doesn't know any better.   


Maybe that makes me the luckiest man  alive..                                                        tonys.


@Former-Member  @PeppyPatti  @cloudcore  @Doldip15  @Oaktree   @Appleblossom  @Jynx .

@Tilz   @Emelia8  @Healandlove   and all those who bring me a little closer to understanding the human condition. 














Re: Living with Loneliness

Hello @tonys I forgot to take my meds and woke up in a pile of sweat at midnight.  Failed to turn the aircon on.  I am online. Just looked around to see who was on and your name came up. Just read this lovely post about loneliness. I know how stark your reality must have been all those years ago. People see you now but they can't fathom your past! I get the same. People have rolled up on the scene saying I've led an easy life based on what they currently see and they had no idea. I've had that a lot from casual onlookers. If they only knew!  I am glad you have everything you need now and are reasonably happy and contented.  I think the ghosts from the past always come to haunt us though through our dreams.  There were those that never walked with us through the valley of tears. Years ago I was put in an institution and was basically left to die. I lost everything and had virtually no-one so I understand what its like to be deserted by people, lost lonely and without any means to get by. I have seen some very serious things transpire and it makes me wonder why onlookers can suddenly make these ill-informed snap judgements. I wonder if they would have been there for me? I don't think so...

Re: Living with Loneliness

Awe,  thankyou  @SmilingGecko ..  I wanted to tag you and all my old friends,  but to this day,   I still have no idea what correct tag protocol is,  and this,  not being my tent,  well you know what I mean. 

Hey.  you'll have to tell me how you knew I was still up.   Thought I'd stay off today and give other folks a go,  but then I saw  Meowmy's post and a few others.   Neon's  flickers to life,  and the merry go round

grinds into motion..    So   I hope its just the heat  S G,  and not the heat of conflict  in your mind..   I read your posts.    You did,    Hard Time..

just  like me.   Least I  had some protection from the 'oblivious disease' .   You were not so lucky I feel.


You jam so much into your life.   Frantically piling awkward boxes that just won't stack n  keep toppling

over.  All to cover crime scenes of past lives.    I'm sure I got that wrong,   just let me adjust my dials.


Its a strange world this thread.  Over the years I have fractured into  so many people and little worlds in my mind, that I think at times,  it would be quite something to have one  night where there is just one entity in my head that could fully feel,  complete and utter loneliness.


The very thing that protects me,    Beguiles me.   I wish I could relieve you of your ghosts.     


I'm never really sure if what I recieve from people these days is respect or friendship.     I lack those sensors and default to the algorithms of the autistic..  The shape in the mirror,  suggests   its fear.


Savour every emotion that you feel   S G...  Feelings are gifts that are all to often,   beyond my grasp through the bars of my cage...


I have said to you a few times.  You are a beacon in the mist for me  smiling gecko .

Don't ever give an inch of you hard fought  ground..       Special thoughts to you , my  friend.     tonys.